LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) – Fayette County Schools announced Wednesday that the school will close Friday, April 13, to allow teachers to head to Frankfort to protest the budget.
The decision to close comes in response to requests from employees who would like to advocate for public education as the Kentucky General Assembly winds down its session.
“Our teachers and support staff have answered the call to advocate for students by encouraging our lawmakers to fully fund education and invest in school safety and mental health services,” Superintendent Manny Caulk said. “I have heard from many of them who want to continue that effort by going to Frankfort on Friday.”
Students and families who rely on food backpack programs will receive these services on Thursday, April 12, 2018. Individual schools will send out information about special afternoon and evening student activities like concerts, plays and dances. District honors band will continue as scheduled.
For a complete list of closings around the state, click here.