The chances are good that your child or one you know has had a visit from LEX 18 StormTracker Chief Meteorologist Bill Meck. Since arriving in Lexington way back in 1999 Bill has seen over 100,000 Kentucky kids with his Bill’s Weather 101 presentations. It’s a program that makes teaching the complexities of weather fun and interesting for the kids. At it’s peak (when he was younger!) Bill’s Weather 101 was at nearly 100 schools every year. In recent years that number has cut back to about 50 schools throughout central and eastern Kentucky.
Bill never dreamed of anything but being a TV weatherman. The dream became a reality while a sophomore at Iowa State University when Bill joined the staff at WOI-TV in Des Moines working on air in several different capacities.
After 2 years chasing tornadoes and finishing his degree, Meck moved to WSPA-TV in Spartanburg, South Carolina. It was there he met his wife, Connie. During his tenure in South Carolina, Bill produced and hosted an award winning severe weather documentary, “Danger From the Sky.”
A 3 year stint as the Chief Meteorologist at WSLS-TV in Roanoke, Virginia followed. It was here that Bill’s Weather 101 was created.
Before coming to LEX 18, Bill was weekend meteorologist at WTHR-TV in Indianapolis. He also had probably the greatest weeks any meteorologist could dream of while there in 1997. His wonderful little girl was born, and then 7 days later he saw and taped the birth of Indiana’s largest tornado of the year.
Meck has a B. S. degree from Iowa State University and a Certificate of Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University. His knowledge and enthusiasm for weather has led to his receiving Seals of Approval from both the American Meteorological Society, and the National Weather Association. Bill has received numerous awards including an Emmy, and several AP weather segment awards. He was also voted as Kentucky’s Favorite Weatherman by Kentucky Monthly Magazine He has also served on committees with the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the city of Lexington to help the community prepare for severe weather. Bill has been on the Board of Directors for the American Cancer Society and in 2005 inaugurated the Strike at Cancer with Bill Meck bowling event which raised over $20,000 for cancer research. He currently is on the Board of The Salvation Army and has served as chairman of Lemon-Aid Days each summer. He was also awarded Volunteer of the Year in 2014. He is also a board member for the annual Kentucky Rose of Tralee contest as well as its emcee. He also served 4 years on his neighborhood’s HOA.
Over the years Bill emceed several other community events including a 14 year run as the Voice of the Man O War Swim Conference on Lexington’s southside. He also did the PA for Lexington Catholic girls soccer.
Being a native Chicagoan, Meck is also a Die Hard Cub Fan, and has the card to prove it. He’s also one of Lexington’s biggest Chicago Blackhawk fans and as been able to wear the iconic jersey for 3 Stanley Cup victories on air. During the autumn you can find him enjoying UK football games. He also has a collection of about 1200 antique beer cans, some dating back to the 1940’s. Finally he rules the Pinnacle Fantasy Football League with an iron fist.
Bill has been a Lexingtonian since 1999 and lives on the southside with his wife Connie and daughter Olivia who is now a student at UK.
Contact Bill: bmeck@lex18.com
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