

Akron Half Marathon runner gets surprise proposal after crossing finish line

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Posted 4:41 PM, Sep 27, 2021
and last updated 12:12 PM, Sep 28, 2021

AKRON, Ohio — Many runners crossed the blue line at the Akron Half Marathon, but for one participant, she was out of breath for a whole different reason after finishing the race.

The heart of Kendra Molyet's boyfriend, Matt Smartnick, was likely racing just as quickly as hers was as she finished the event Saturday morning.

That's because he had quite the question to ask her as she crossed the finish line.

“Coming up there was a huge hill and it was super-tiring, then I saw my name in letters. It was like, 'Marry me.' That was crazy," Molyet said.

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Quickly after she checked her apple watch, she said yes and went in for a kiss.

“I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, and she’s been training for this for God knows how long. What better way to add to it?" said Smartnick.

Her boyfriend, or fiancé rather, said he only got about an hour of sleep the night before in anticipation.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

This story was originally published by staff at WEWS.