

Family of Versailles motorcycle victim speaks out, demands for a light to be installed

Family speaks out about Lexington motorcycle crash victim

NICHOLASVILLE, Ky. (LEX 18) — A family continues to mourn the loss of their loved one after a deadly motorcycle crash Tuesday morning in Lexington, and now that family speaks out about a change that needs to happen.

38-year-old James Edward Reed Jr. held many titles throughout his life: father, son, brother, fiance and friend.

Reed's family and friends describe him as a dependable guy who can turn any dark day into a brighter one. His passion for life was evident in everything he did.

Around 7:19 Tuesday morning, Reeds life was taken after he was involved in a motorcycle crash. The crash took place on Versailles Road between Wellesley Heights Way and New Circle Road in Lexington. According to the Fayette County Coroner's office, Reed died from "multiple blunt force and penetrating traumatic injuries" after a vehicle hit him.

Reed now leaves behind two loving parents, his brother and sister, a 16-year-old daughter, a son and a bonus son, and his fiance.

"He was always mischievous. Always laughing, he had- even from the time he was little he had an infectious laugh and you couldn't help but laugh," describes Bobbie Hodges, Reeds mom, who recalls the moment she found out her son had died. "I just hit the ground. It's- that's- knowing that your child's gone. And the way it happened, I hit the ground."

"He was charismatic and witty. I've never met somebody so quick to have something to say and it was always so hilarious. I'm like, how are you so funny all the time," said Ashley Crane, Reed's fiance. When she saw several Facebook messages from Reeds friends, she knew something was wrong. "So my first reaction is to call him and it just rang and then when I couldn't get a hold of him, I called Bobby, and she was just so upset and then I knew something had happened."

Friends and family say it's not only Reed that will be missed, but his haunting alter ego "Jekyll" will be too. "Jekyll" is a scary clown Reed played at Wicked World Scaregrounds in Nicholasville, Kentucky. Reed had a love for the scare. Bringing both smiles and fear to people's faces when they walked through the halls of Wicked World.

"We got real close. When we first met we were like that. Where right off the bat like we connected really easy," explains Eric Secen, a friend of Reeds. "Kind of chaotic, funny, goofy in your face. Always knows how to make people laugh. Scare them at the same time. He was amazing at his job. Every single night. And he also made people when they were depressed, happy."

"There's no way this person could not have seen James. We both had these lights. I mean massive amount of lights under our bikes… and when you had them on there's no way you could have missed," said Hodges. "If you're driving a car. You're not the only person on the road. Be careful because you could take the life of somebody elses loved one. Watch- take a second look before you make a move."

The next step for those close to Reed is their fight to get a light put in at the intersection to prevent anyone else from losing their life.