

Richmond association collects donations for the homeless

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RICHMOND, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Richmond Downtown Neighborhood Association is bringing the community out to Millstone Park to give out donations they collected for this city's homeless population.

Association member Mike Edwards says, "We decided, you know, based on the needs of some of our people in the area, especially the homeless, we decided to see what we could do and we called it Mittens on Millstone."

The association came together about a year ago. They have around 80 members. Its president, Michael Bryant, says that this event is one they want to make a tradition — growing every year. They've collected mittens, gloves, jackets, quilts and more to service the 25 to 100 homeless people in this area.

Bryant shares, "We kind of just came through a cold snap and it's going to be cold again so hopefully they'll be able to stay a little warmer this winter and they'll appreciate that."

Over the past couple of weeks, this association has collected around 300 items to pass out, and they say their mission is to enhance neighborhoods in and around the downtown community.

"Typically, when you see the homeless, you see them on the street. And maybe this is a chance to get a face-to-face meeting and find out what their story is,” says Bryant.

On social media, the association says they are often asked about what can be done about the homeless population. They say that their mission is to uplift everyone in and around the downtown area. They say it's up to everyone to make sure they're helping all of their neighbors.

Edwards says, "We can do a lot of things about the homeless, but one of the things that we shouldn't do is turn our backs and walk away. They are our neighbors. Whether they are born and raised here or whether they happen just to end up here one day, you know by accident. They need to be treated with dignity and respect like anybody else."

The RDNA is pleased with this year’s turnout. They say the goal was to give back, break down stigmas, and bring everyone together.

Edwards says, "We can kind of get the population that we're trying to serve, and the people that are doing the donations kind of inner twined and get to meet each other and start talking and seeing what we can do to help maybe make it a better world for all of us."

The event and association are all about neighbors helping neighbors.