LAWRENCEBURG, Ky. (LEX 18) — Bigfoot, bourbon, and burgoo are just a few B's of the Bluegrass that can be found in one "burg."
Lawrenceburg is also home to Wild Turkey, but if you walk down Main Street, another fall holiday is taking over.
With every brush stroke, downtown Lawrenceburg is transforming into Halloween-town.

The friendly faces still pop out, but Brinkley Bugg and her sixth-grade friends are embracing the spooky spirit.
Under the watchful eye of a mother, this group of friends is painting one of the designated 30 Halloween windows along the main drag.
"I think it's really neat and important for kiddos to get together after school and do fun things like this. And get to express their creativity," said Amanda Stovall, Brinkley's mother.
"Took all their ideas and then sketched it out, and we're all doing it now on there," said Brinkley.
BraLynn Gallegos could not wait to grab a brush and get started on her spot outside Heavens to Betsy. Her window was inspired by "A Nightmare Before Christmas."
"Right now, I'm really just working on the stitches of his mouth," said Gallegos.

The inspiration for the windows didn't come from an old spirit of Lawrenceburg. It actually arrived from Madisonville, which happens to be the hometown of Amanda Stovall.
"Just thought it was a really big deal for my friends and myself to get to paint something that was gonna be seen by everybody driving by," said Stovall.
Years later, she's now guiding her daughter, Brinkley, as she makes her own mark on their spooktacular downtown.

Middle and high school students from Anderson County Schools and Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg painted the windows.
This is just the beginning of Halloween festivities. There will be ghost walks, Jack O'Lanterns lining the courthouse steps, and trick-or-treat events for kids and adults.