SCOTT COUNTY, Ky. (LEX18) — Buford Blackburn of Georgetown is 89 years young, and he does all kinds of things to keep busy.
"I still mow my own grass and take care of my own garden and do wood working and just try to keep busy," Blackburn said.
Chief among those hobbies, though, is sewing. He started about 30 years ago with his wife of 68 years, Lillie Maye. Together they sewed baby clothes for children in Haiti.
"She says if I'm going to do this, you're going to help me," Blackburn laughed.
He and Lillie Maye traveled the world, raised four children, and lived a full life. Two months ago, she passed away at the age of 90.
"I really miss her. I certainly do," Blackburn said through tears.
About five years ago, he started making pillows. He handed them out to hospitals, police departments and his wife's hospice care.
"I make them from the very beginning to the very end," Blackburn said. "I buy the material and make my own pillows. It just gives me a good feeling to be able to give them away."
Now that his wife is gone, he continues handing out the pillows around town. He gives them to children and watches their faces light up.

"I just usually try to keep one or two in a car and hand them out when I go to Kroger or Walmart. If I happened to see a child, I'll just stop and say would you like a pillow, " Blackburn explained.
With each pillow he also includes an invitation to his church and a tag with his name on it. The pillows are a way to keep Buford busy, but also a way to spread happiness while staying connected to the woman he loves.
"I guess she inspired me to start doing it."