CYNTHIANA, Ky. (LEX 18) — A Cynthiana man has won $1 million on a $20 lottery ticket.
The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, paid for a Kentucky Lottery Scratch-off ticket, Max-A-Million.
"I scanned it without scratching it off, and it said, 'Claim at Lottery,' so I knew it had to be something," the man said. "Then I scanned it at the self-ticket checker, and I saw $1,000,000. I went out to my car immediately and I was in tears."

He says it was a real blessing for him and his wife.
Max-A-Million has an annuity payment top prize but the winner chose the cash option. After taxes, he walked out of lottery headquarters on Monday with a check for $595,177.
The Cynthiana man plans to take care of debt, purchase a house, and is already working with a financial advisor to save the remaining portion.
Apple Market #529 on East Pleasant Street in Cynthiana will receive $10,000 for selling the winning ticket.