LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — The first round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee kicks off on Saturday, and the sole speller representing Kentucky is from Lexington. Lindsay Devore is 11 years old and she's not the first or even second speller from her family to qualify for the big bee.
Admittedly leading up to the big day, Lindsay is, "scared." The 11-year-old works every day with her dad getting in tip-top shape. She spells 300 words a day, 4,000 words every two weeks, but this is not their first rodeo or even their second. There's also 15-year-old Lauren...
"In 2020 I competed, and my winning word was motet," Lauren said. "M-o-t-e-t. It's like scripture but put to music."
And then there's 16-year-old Ashley, the sister who started the Devore Dynasty. She started her spelling bee career in first grade. In her final year in 8th grade, she finished 42nd overall in the National Spelling Bee.
Ashley said, "I think I learned hard work pays off, and it can be a lot of fun to focus on one area of study for a long time."
All three girls are homeschooled by their mom in Lexington. Each has won their regional bee, and one after another, after another, they have qualified to make it to the ultimate spelling showdown.

Ben Devore, the girls' dad, said, "They all told me that they wanted to do it, and I said well I'm willing to help you if you want to do it, but you have to decide that you want to do it."
This year is different from all the rest. The first three rounds will be done at home and virtually. The final round will still be televised on July 8th on ESPN2.
The Devores are big fans of the bee, and they are hopeful their success rubs off on others in Kentucky.
"After we've seen this happen and know what the bee stands for and how they really instill in kids the value of hard work, we really want this opportunity available for more kids," Kim Devore, Lindsay's mother, said.
You can watch Lindsay and the other 208 spellers on Saturday on ESPN3 from 10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. EST.
The quarterfinals will be on June 15th from 12:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. EST on ESPN3.
The semifinals will be on June 27th from 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. on ESPN2.
The finals air on July 8th from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. EST on ESPN2.