October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation is getting ready for its Yes, Mamm! Yes, Cerv! 5K. The event raises money to help uninsured and underinsured Kentuckians get breast and cervical cancer screenings and treatments. The 5K is Saturday, October 15 at the RJ Corman Group Racecourse in Nicholasville. To register, visit https://www.chisaintjosephhealth.org/yesmamm5k.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation is getting ready for its Yes, Mamm! Yes, Cerv! 5K. The event raises money to help uninsured and underinsured Kentuckians get breast and cervical cancer screenings and treatments. The 5K is Saturday, October 15 at the RJ Corman Group Racecourse in Nicholasville.
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