

Addiction recovery center talks increase in overdoses

Posted 9:48 PM, Aug 31, 2022

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Wednesday is National Overdose Awareness Day.

Kentucky continues to see record numbers of people falling victim to addiction.

One recovery center hopes to reverse this trend in the future.

Senior Vice President Of Administration for the Addiction Recovery Center Matt Brown struggled with addiction for 18 years.

After getting clean with the help of ARC, he currently works to get other addicts back on their feet.

"We are not only treating people with substance use disorder. We are helping them get their life back often for the first time," said Brown.

"I never thought my life would be as fulfilling as it is today. I thought for sure that I was stuck in addiction."

In 2021, 2,250 people died from drug overdoses. That number is up 14.5 percent from 2020.

ARC wants to change that.

"We are here to make a difference. We are here to leave an open door for someone who is struggling with addiction," said ARC administrative director Theresa Lafeve.

She said by hiring former addicts to return as workers, they will be an example that there are better days ahead.

"We are hope, in the flesh, that there is a future for each one of our clients," said Lafeve.