LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) – The mood inside the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department was somber, to say the least on Monday morning. Two years ago, many of the employees in that building were involved in the hiring of Lynette Laine as a school nurse for Lexington's Rise STEM Academy. Over the weekend, Laine was killed in a hit-and-run accident near her home.
"The students would see her beyond needing medical services," said LFCHD spokesman, Kevin Hall. "They would come in and see her just to be greeted and to get a hug," he continued.
Hall said she referred to the students at RISE as being her "munchkins."

She's got a few of those at home too where Lynette and her husband, Rev. Tony Laine were helping to raise a few of their grandchildren. He is keeping a very stiff upper lip to help support everyone else.
"She made an impact. She made everybody feel like they’re a part of the family," Mr. Laine said outside the home the couple shared.

The accident is under investigation by the Lexington Police Department. Fayette County Coroner, Gary Ginn ruled it an accident, but the driver did leave the scene, triggering this investigation. Mr. Laine certainly hopes justice is served, but won’t lose sleep at this time thinking about that, or the person who did this.
"We could get so wrapped up in all of that that we lose the fact that she was a person who loved and deserved all of our love. So we will celebrate (her life). We'll celebrate a life well-lived," he said.